So today I'm wandering around Shinjuku looking in various stores and I go into this clothing store that has some cool hats and accessories on the first floor and since I was looking specifically for a new pair of shoes, I looked at the store directory and got on the elevator and pressed the button for the floor that I thought had some shoes. Little did I know, that I'd be stepping into some bizarro world when the elevator doors opened. When I stepped out of the elevator, I realized that I was on the floor for "gothic lolita" and "sweet lolita" type clothes and as I continued further I was encompassed in some freakish realm surrounded by people dressed in Alice-in-Wonderland-meets-Little-Bo-Peep outfits. Now, I've seen some versions of this fashion on the odd person (no pun intended) here and there on the streets of Tokyo but it was a whole other thing to be surrounded by it in a relatively small space and these were more extreme versions than I had seen. I was literally getting a little freaked out to the point that I felt like I had to get out of there, fast. After I made my escape, I was dying to go back in and take some pictures because words can't do it justice but I settled on photographing some posters and I managed to snap a photo of someone on the street. But these photos are kind of toned down versions of what people were actually wearing in the store. Tomorrow me and a friend are going to Harajuku so we're sure to see more "gosu-rori" as well as heaps* of other unique fashions.
*Example of British/Aussi/Kiwi English rubbing off onto me